Meta Advantage+ Shopping Campaigns: Everything You Need To Know

Drive more sales with less hassle. Meta Advantage+ shopping campaigns do the heavy lifting for you, delivering your ads to customers who matter most. Here’s all you need to know about what they are and how to create them.

To navigate the changing landscape of data privacy and consumer consciousness, Meta introduced Advantage+ Shopping Campaigns, the latest addition to the Meta Advantage suite.

Meta Advantage+ Shopping Campaigns utilise intelligent automation to streamline your online advertising efforts and sell your products more efficiently. By harnessing the power of cutting-edge technology and proven marketing strategies, it gets your products in front of the right people at the right time. 

Imagine streamlining your online ad creation and letting AI find the sweet spot for conversions. That’s the magic of Advantage+ Shopping Campaigns by Meta. 

What are Meta Advantage+ Shopping Campaigns?

Meta Advantage+ Shopping Campaigns represent a groundbreaking innovation in the world of online advertising, particularly for e-commerce businesses. They offer a significant departure from the traditional, manual approach, allowing you to maximise efficiency and effectiveness through streamlined campaign creation and management.

Here's what sets them apart:

  • Reduced Complexity: Unlike the intricate setup process of manual campaigns, Advantage+ requires fewer inputs, simplifying the initial stage and saving you valuable time. This means less configuration and more focus on your goals.
  • Smarter Targeting: No more juggling multiple campaigns with different targeting parameters. Advantage+ leverages Meta’s powerful algorithms to automatically identify and reach the most relevant audiences for your products, ensuring your ads reach potential customers with high purchase intent.
  • Effortless Creative Management: Forget about manually managing numerous ad variations. Advantage+ takes care of it all, testing and dynamically optimising up to 150 different creative combinations to deliver the highest performing versions to your target audience. This means more impactful ads with less effort.
  • Increased Campaign Limit: Forget about managing an overflowing campaign dashboard. Advantage+ allows you to create up to 8 campaigns per country, giving our system greater scope to experiment and find the perfect audience and creative combinations for your products.

In essence, Meta Advantage+ Shopping Campaigns shift the focus from minutiae to big-picture results. This means more sales, less workload, and a powerful boost for your online business.

Top 5 Benefits Of Advantage+ Shopping Campaigns

Advantage+ gives Meta more control to fine-tune your campaign for maximum success.

They automate targeting, placements, and content, reducing your workload.

The expected outcome?

  • Lower cost per purchase.
  • More sales from high-quality customers.

Here’s how you can boost your brand with Advantage+ Shopping Campaigns:

  • Reach the right people: Discover and target valuable customers across all Meta platforms (Facebook, Instagram, etc.) using advanced machine learning, requiring minimal effort from you.
  • Personalise for everyone: Combine new and existing customer audiences in one campaign, showcasing relevant products from your catalogue to each group.
  • Maximise performance: Achieve optimal results without the need for constant campaign adjustments. Advantage+ takes care of everything, automatically testing combinations and delivering the most effective ads.
  • Simplify your workload: Manage fewer campaigns while still reaching more potential buyers. Advantage+ streamlines the process, saving you time and resources.
  • See instant success: Start achieving higher conversions and sales with less manual work. Advantage+ identifies and reaches high-value customers with the most impactful versions of your ads.

Advantage+ Shopping Campaigns make online advertising simpler, smarter, and more effective, freeing you to focus on what matters most. 

7 Easy Steps to Launch Your Advantage+ Shopping Campaign

Launching an Advantage+ Shopping Campaign on Meta is simple and straightforward. Just follow these 7 steps and watch your campaign take off!

  1. Open Ads Manager: This is your command centre for creating and managing Meta ads.
  1. Start a New Campaign: Click the “Create Campaign” button and get ready to customise your new campaign.
  1. Pick Your Goal: What’s your final objective? Select Sales as the campaign objective if you’re aiming for purchases or choose Conversions if you want website visits along with purchases. Then, click Continue. 
  1. Go Advantage+: Select Advantage+ Shopping Campaign to unlock the automated power of machine learning. Click Continue.

Note: Certain campaign settings are pre-configured for optimal performance. You can easily view these settings by clicking “See all preset settings”. However, you have full control over your target audience and ad placements, which can be customised at the ad account level.

  1. Fill in the Blanks:
  • Campaign Name: Give your campaign a clear and descriptive name (e.g., “Winter Sale - Woollens”).
  • Conversion Location: Choose where you want conversions to happen — website only, or website and app. Make sure you have the necessary tracking pixels or SDKs set up.
  • Target Audience: Select the countries where you want your ads to be shown.

Note: Select up to eight countries where you want your ads to appear. You can further refine your audience under “Ad account settings” by excluding specific locations and setting a minimum age requirement.

  • Budget and Dates: Set your daily budget and campaign timeframe.

Note: Want to share your budget between new and existing customers? Simply select the “Existing customer budget cap” option. This allows you to control how much of your budget is allocated specifically to reaching your existing customer base.

  • Optimisation and delivery: Choose your preferences.

Note: To track conversions from both new and existing customers, you can easily add your existing customer list to your ad account settings. Just select “Edit” in Ad account settings under “Reporting” and follow the instructions. Look for the “Advantage+ Shopping Campaigns” option in your Ad account settings. If someone already added your existing customers, you’ll see the relevant audience(s) listed in Ads Manager.

  1. Import or Create Ads: You can either upload existing ad content or use Meta’s tools to create new dynamic ads.

To maximise your results, we recommend importing all eligible ads you’ve used previously. This allows us to automatically test and compare up to 150 variations, delivering the most effective versions to your target audience.

If you have specific ads you don’t want to use or don’t see listed, you can easily choose or create new ones at the ad level, just like a regular manual campaign.

  1. Hit Publish: Launch your campaign and watch the results roll in. Meta’s machine learning will optimise your ads and target the right audiences for maximum impact.

Bonus Tip: Remember to regularly monitor your campaign’s performance and adjust settings as needed for optimal results.

Expert Tips To Get the Most Out of Your Advantage+ Shopping Campaigns

Advantage+ Shopping Campaigns are perfect to manage sales-focused goals in the lower sales funnel. Its strengths lie in sales goals, lower funnel targeting, and saving time. However, if you need control over placements, third-party tracking, or location-specific targeting, your current campaign setups might be more suitable.

Here are some bonus tips to get the most out of your campaigns:

  • Know Your Audience: Use Meta Business Suite Insights to uncover the demographics, interests, and behaviours of your ideal customers. Craft targeted ads that resonate with their desires and needs.
  • Eye-Catching Visuals: Don’t settle for average. High-quality images, videos, and text are essential for grabbing attention and sparking interest.
  • A/B Testing is Key: Experiment with different ad creatives and targeting strategies to see what resonates best. Refine your approach based on test results for maximised impact.
  • Track with the Meta Pixel: Monitor conversions and re-engage users who've shown interest with personalised ads.
  • Delightful User Journey: Ensure your landing page perfectly aligns with your ad and is optimised for mobile. Seamless experiences lead to higher conversion rates.
  • Unlock Exclusivity: Advantage+ Shopping campaigns let you showcase exclusive and featured offers, giving your products a competitive edge and boosting visibility.

Need a fresh perspective? Let’s talk.

At 360 OM, we specialise in helping businesses take their marketing efforts to the next level. Our team stays on top of industry trends, uses data-informed decisions to maximise your ROI, and provides full transparency through comprehensive reports.

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