Google Launches New Tool ‘EC Assist’ To Boost Enhanced Conversions

On 5th July, 2024, Google launched a Chrome extension called EC Assist. This new tool streamlines the process of optimising your Enhanced Conversions setup and makes life easier for advertisers using Google Ads.

Struggling with enhanced conversions? You’re not alone. On July 5th, 2024, Google launched a game-changing new tool called EC Assist. It is a Chrome extension specifically designed to help you troubleshoot your Enhanced Conversions setup. 

To improve campaign performance, EC Assist simplifies the often-challenging setup process for Enhanced Conversions, allowing advertisers to troubleshoot any issues and optimise their campaigns for better results.

With EC Assist, it is easier to get the accurate transmission of first-party conversion data to Google. This unlocks the full potential of Enhanced Conversions, which helps get smarter bidding and achieve superior results.

How EC Assist Works

Getting started with EC Assist is easy. The Chrome extension is available for download now from the Chrome Web Store. 

Simply search for ‘EC Assist’ and add it to your browser.

  • Step 1: Install the EC Assist Chrome extension. It integrates seamlessly with your Google Ads workflow.

  • Step 2: Navigate to your website and initiate a test conversion as you normally would for your campaigns.

  • Step 3: Sit back and let EC Assist analyse your Enhanced Conversions setup in the background.

  • Step 4: Once the test conversion is complete, EC Assist delivers a comprehensive diagnosis. It will pinpoint any potential issues hindering your setup’s effectiveness.

  • Step 5: EC Assist provides clear and actionable steps to resolve any problems it finds. These suggestions will guide you towards optimising your Enhanced Conversions for maximum campaign performance.

Why it Matters: The Bigger Picture 

By launching EC Assist, Google is making a clear statement. 

They’re committed to democratising access to advanced advertising features. Traditionally, tools like Enhanced Conversions might have felt intimidating for advertisers without a strong technical background. EC Assist removes that barrier. 

This user-friendly Chrome extension empowers a wider range of advertisers to leverage the power of Enhanced Conversions, leading to more successful ad campaigns.

Measurement is more important than ever. Using Enhanced Conversions is recommended for all Google Ads advertisers. It works by sending anonymised conversion data about your website conversions directly to Google.

This empowers features like Smart Bidding to make smarter decisions about who to show your ads to. In simpler terms, Enhanced Conversions help your ads reach the right people at the right time, leading to improved campaign performance.

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At 360 OM, we specialise in helping businesses take their marketing efforts to the next level. Our team stays on top of industry trends, uses data-informed decisions to maximise your ROI, and provides full transparency through comprehensive reports.

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