Creating Videos with AI: How To Grab Customer Attention and Boost Consideration

Consumers are spending more time researching and evaluating different options before purchasing a product. Here’s how AI video solutions can help brands connect with potential customers during their exploration phase.

80% of customers switch between online search and video when researching products to buy, according to Think with Google. Consumers are aware about their shopping habits and thoroughly research a product before spending money.

YouTube and AI-driven solutions can help you engage with consumers at the precise moment they’re searching for valuable information and drive sustainable growth for your business.

In a 60-minute session titled “Google Ads Academy: Build Consideration with AI-Powered Video,” five speakers shed light on video solutions like Video View and Demand Gen Campaigns and suggest quantifiable ways to measure the impact of consideration marketing on your overall strategy.

The session helps viewers decode how to generate demand and maximise views. 

4 AI Video Strategies to Drive Consideration and Conversions

Consumers are more informed than ever before. With YouTube and AI, here are four top takeaways from the session on how you can reach them directly, generate leads, and fuel long-term business growth. 

1. Build Brand Consideration with Video View Campaigns

  • With the power of Google AI, Video View Campaigns (VVC) maximise views across Skippable In-Stream, In-Feed, and Shorts inventory at a single cost-per-view bid.

  • VVC solutions deliver 40% more views at 30% lower CPVs and 40% higher consideration lift.

2. Activate Demand Gen to Create and Capture Demand

  • Creating and converting demand is critical for sustainable business growth. Demand Gen empowers advertisers to influence consumers and build prospective users through Google & YouTube’s most immersive and visual touchpoints.

  • Advertisers who added Demand Gen to their Search/ Performance Max campaigns saw 14% incremental conversions, on average.

3. Best Creative Practices for Consideration to Drive ROI

  • Creative is the dominant driver of ROI. According to NCS, your creative is responsible for 49% of the total sales impact of advertising.

  • Utilise AI to fuel your creative variety; seamlessly create new orientations, lengths, concepts and/or storytelling styles.

  • Follow our ABCD’s of creative for consideration, and build creatives that focus on connection with your audience.

4. Quantify the impact to your business

  • Validate impact with future-proof, full-funnel measurement.

  • Establish leading indicators and set unique KPIs to optimise across the funnel.

  • Build a learning agenda and execute a test plan to understand strategies that drive and optimise to identified KPIs. 

Where to Watch the Session?

In the 60-minute session, you’ll understand how to leverage AI video solutions and be equipped with creative guidance and best practices to help you drive consideration. 

The top speakers include: 

  • Nathan Tenenbaum, Head of Video, Services Sector, Google
  • Peter Bock, Video Lead, Google
  • Hayley Shapiro, Video Lead, Google
  • Alex Moss, Video Strategy Lead, Creative, Google
  • Suraj Rajdev, Lead Head of Data, Analytics & Measurement, Google

The original air date was August 29, 2024, but you can watch on demand to learn how to reach and engage potential customers during their decision-making process.

Watch on demand here.

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