Meta Rolls Out Major Update To Attribution Settings: All You Need To Know

Meta’s new attribution update lets you see the real picture by isolating First Conversion and All Conversions when comparing attribution settings. You can finally track the initial conversion a user makes after interacting with your ad.

Struggling with inflated conversion numbers in Meta Ads? You’re not alone. 

Meta Ads gets smarter with the new attribution settings in its ads platform. Now, it lets you refine how conversions are attributed to distinguish between all conversions and first-time conversions.

Previously, Meta attributed all conversions to the ad, regardless of how many times a user converted. So, a repeat purchase following an initial one would be counted twice, inflating ad performance and skewing metrics like CAC. Now, you can finally track the initial conversion a user makes after interacting with your ad, giving a more accurate understanding of customer acquisition and campaign performance.

The new attribution options offer more control:

  • All Conversions: Counts every single action someone takes on your website after clicking your ad, like buying something or signing up for a list.

  • First Conversion: Only counts the very first action someone takes on your website after clicking your ad, giving you a better idea of how many new customers you’re getting.

By choosing “First Conversion,” you can gain a more accurate picture of true customer acquisition and optimise campaigns for long-term success.

How To Access Meta Ad’s Attribution Settings

Ready to get started? 

Head to Ads Manager and navigate to your Attribution settings. There, you can select the attribution window (how long after an ad interaction a conversion is counted) and choose to show:

  • All Conversions (default behaviour)
  • First Conversion (focuses on the initial purchase)
  • Both (shows both metrics for comparison)

Choosing one:

Use “All Conversions” to see the overall impact of your ads.

Use “First Conversion” to see how many new customers you’re getting. (Note: This data isn’t available before July 15, 2023).

Meta’s New Attribution Shows True Customer Acquisition

With this update, Meta empowers advertisers with more control over how they measure success. But remember, don’t ditch “All Conversions” yet!

Think of “First Conversion” as giving you extra details, not replacing the whole picture.

Imagine buying something online — all your clicks and visits might have been influenced by the ad, even if you bought multiple things later. Counting only the first click wouldn’t tell the whole story.

Or imagine watching 20 videos on a website — that might count as 20 “events,” making the data unreliable.

Use “All Conversions” for the overall picture, and “First Conversion” for a more detailed look at new customers, especially when dealing with complex situations. They work together, not against each other!

This could lead to significant changes in how businesses evaluate their Meta ad campaigns and allocate their marketing budgets. We can expect to see a shift towards a more data-driven and accurate approach to campaign optimisation.

Need a fresh perspective? Let’s talk.

At 360 OM, we specialise in helping businesses take their marketing efforts to the next level. Our team stays on top of industry trends, uses data-informed decisions to maximise your ROI, and provides full transparency through comprehensive reports.

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