Maximise Conversions: 6 Essential Landing Page Tips

360 OM analysed a landing page to optimise its CRO and mobile funnel performance. We highlight 6 key changes we would recommend to convert more users.

What does it take to build a landing page that consistently attracts and converts customers? Conversion rate optimisation, or CRO, helps increase the number of users who complete a specific action and convert on your website.

As your customers can’t physically see your product, your product detail page becomes one of the most important factors to convince them to make a purchase.

They want to see the product’s features, benefits, and customer reviews to make sure it meets their needs. Even if your product is better, a poorly designed product detail page could lead customers to choose a competitor instead.

3 Conversion Killers: Avoid These Common Pitfalls

360 OM analysed the learner’s insurance landing page on Collingwood’s website, a leading insurance intermediary in the UK.

Our focus was on the user journey within the learning insurance section. We share six changes we recommend in above-the-fold sections that can negatively impact the CRO efforts.

In our landing page analysis, here are the top three issues we found:

Visual Elements

  • Overwhelming Visuals: Too many images, animations, or text can clutter the page and distract visitors.
  • Low Image Quality: Low-resolution or blurry images can create an unprofessional appearance.
  • Inconsistent Branding: The design elements don't align with the company's overall branding.


  • Lack of Clarity: The headline, subheadline, and supporting text are not clear or concise.
  • Weak And Multiple Call to Action (CTA): The CTA is not prominent, persuasive, or easy to find.
  • No Value Proposition: The visitor doesn't immediately understand what the company offers or how it benefits them.

User Experience

  • Slow Loading Time: A slow page can frustrate visitors and lead to higher bounce rates.
  • Poor Readability: The text is too small, difficult to read, or has a poor contrast ratio.
  • Confusing Layout: The elements are not organised logically or intuitively.

6 Changes 360 OM Recommends To Boost Conversion Rates

Most high-performing landing pages share some key elements. According to Unbounce, the median conversion rate across all industries is 6.6% and the average conversion rate for a landing page is around 9.7%.

However, a well-optimised landing page can significantly outperform this benchmark.

Here are the changes 360 OM recommends for the Collingwood landing page to optimise for conversions. The clean, user-friendly design eliminates distractions and creates a more focused experience that guides visitors directly to the desired action.

1. Announcement Bar with Features 

Announcement bars can be powerful tools to highlight key features and promotions. Make sure it doesn’t distract from the main content and is easily dismissible.

Vague or Irrelevant Headlines

A headline should be clear, concise, and directly address the visitor’s needs. Avoid generic or confusing language that doesn't resonate with your target audience.

Overwhelming Visuals 

Too many elements (images, animations, or text) can create visual clutter and distract visitors from the primary call-to-action.

✔️ Pick The Best Placement

Too high on the page can be intrusive, while too low may be missed. A fixed position at the top of the screen can ensure visibility without obstructing content. Consider using a subtle animation or a “close” button to make it more user-friendly.

✔️ Focus on readers’ needs

Make sure the announcement bar is relevant to the current page and the visitor’s journey. Avoid using generic messages that may not resonate with the target audience.

2. Clear and Quality Image

A high-quality image can visually engage visitors and set the tone for the page. However, it should be relevant to the product or service and align with the overall design aesthetic.

Poor Image Quality 

Low-resolution or blurry images can create an unprofessional appearance.

Inconsistent Branding 

The design elements don’t align with the company’s overall branding. The headline, subheadline, and supporting text are not clear or concise.

✔️ Alt text

Provide descriptive alt text for the image to improve accessibility and SEO.

✔️ Lazy loading

If the image is large, consider using lazy loading to optimise page load times and reduce bandwidth usage.

3. Star Rating 

Social proof from Trustpilot can build credibility and trust. Make sure the rating is prominently displayed and up-to-date. Consider including a link to the full review section for further exploration.

Lack of Trust Signals

Visitors are more likely to convert if they trust your brand. Include trust signals like customer testimonials, reviews, or security badges to build credibility.

✔️ Social proof

In addition to Trustpilot, explore other relevant social proof elements, such as customer testimonials or case studies.

✔️ Quantity vs. quality

While a high average rating is important, also consider the number of reviews. A large number of reviews can strengthen credibility.

4. Fast Loading Time 

Use mobile optimisation and make sure the design is fully responsive and looks great on all devices. A strong headline can grab attention and convey the core benefit. Keep it concise and focused on the primary value, avoiding jargon or overly complex language.

❌ Slow Loading Time

Slow loading times can frustrate visitors, impact user experience and lead to higher bounce rates. Visitors are more likely to abandon a page if it takes too long to load.

Poor Readability

Difficult-to-read text can hinder comprehension and engagement. Users may struggle to understand the message or become frustrated and leave the page.

✔️ A/B Testing

Experiment with different headline variations to find the most effective messaging. Consider using power words or emotional language to create a stronger connection with the audience.

5. Clear Pointers for Features 

Bullet points can make features easy to scan and understand. Limit the number of bullet points to avoid overwhelming visitors and prioritise the most important features.

Confusing Layout

A cluttered or disorganised layout can confuse visitors and make it difficult to find the information they need. This can lead to a decrease in engagement and conversions.

✔️ Prioritisation
Carefully select the three most compelling features to highlight. Avoid overwhelming visitors with too much information.

✔️ Visual Hierarchy

Use typography, colour, and spacing to create a clear visual hierarchy within the bullet points.

6. Clear Call to Action 

A prominent CTA encourages visitors to take the desired action. Use strong, action-oriented language and make the CTA visually distinct from other elements on the page.

Weak Call-to-Action (CTA) 

The CTA should be prominent, clear, and aligned with the landing page’s goal. Avoid using vague or generic CTAs that don't encourage action.

✔️ Design consistency

Ensure the CTA’s design and style align with the overall page aesthetics.

✔️ Microcopy

Consider adding microcopy above or below the CTA to provide additional context or encourage action.

Recommended Landing Page For Desktop

Take a look at the optimised landing page for the desktop here:

Recommended Landing Page For Mobile

Take a look at the optimised landing page for the mobile here:

Once you have ticked all these boxes, here are a few additional points to keep in mind:

✔️ UX and UI

Test with real users. Conduct usability testing to identify any usability issues and make necessary improvements. Ensure your design is responsive and looks great on various screen sizes.


Follow WCAG to make your page accessible to people with disabilities. Use semantic HTML elements and alt attributes to convey the structure and describe the content of images.


To optimise your landing page and improve conversion rates, focus on: 

  • Clear communication
  • Visual appeal
  • Strong CTA 

Use announcement bars, add social proof through Trustpilot ratings, high-quality images, compelling headlines, bullet points, and prominent CTAs. 

Ensure the page is mobile-friendly, accessible, and trackable with analytics.

Need a fresh perspective? Let’s talk.

At 360 OM, we specialise in helping businesses take their marketing efforts to the next level. Our team stays on top of industry trends, uses data-informed decisions to maximise your ROI, and provides full transparency through comprehensive reports.

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